This course is taught in the form of a seminar (werkcollege). Therefore attendance and preparation are mandatory for all participants.
Texts and other materials are assigned on a weekly basis. These have to be read and preparedby each participant before class.
On the basis of these materials, online assignments are set for each session. All assignments will be discussed in class.
Participants are required to prepare these assignments in writing and bring their notes to class.
Texts and other materials are distributed online, on Blackboard or in class.
During term, information about the course will be update weekly on the webpage of this course,
This course is about the quest for semantic universals since the seventeenth century (e.g. Leibniz, Locke, Wilkins) and the position of semantics in linguistic theory (e.g. Saussure, Whorf, Chomsky), with special attention to cross-cultural universals and variation (e.g. Greenberg, Wierzbicka, Tomasello).
Course objectives: to make original observations; to ask questions and form hypotheses about semantic issues in diverse languages; to critically evaluate relevant literature; to discuss and present contrasting positions and traditions; and to gain hands-on research experience in the semantic aspects of grammatical description
After the necessary groundwork has been covered in class, part of the materials and assignments can be geared to special group interests. Your suggestions are most welcome!
A. Hand-in assignments (70%)
The following requirements apply to all hand-in assignments in this course:
- No digital hand-ins accepted: please print your work on paper
- Always include your full name, student number, and the hand-in date
- Use double line spacing throughout
- For each deadline during term, hand in your work at the beginning of class
- Alternatively, you may hand in your work prior to class time in my pigeonhole (see directions); please send me a heads-up by email
- I will return your work with my remarks
- This list of proofreaders' marks may assist you in reading my comments
- All hand-in assignments will be graded on a ten-point scale
- In case you wish to discuss my comments or assessments, please make an appointment
B. In-class participation & contributions (30%)
- No more than one session may be missed for this single-block course of six sessions
- See our attendance requirements; in case of absence, you must state a reason
- You must make up for a missed session by copying notes from a classmate and hand in all assignments set for that day
- During term, each student will receive three separate marks for in-class participation & contributions, graded on a five-point scale
- In case you wish to review or discuss these assessments, please make an appointment
Pigeonhole directions: in the Arsenaal building, climb the central wooden staircase, then turn right. On the landing, in a metal rack of pigeonholes, you will find one marked "Wiedenhof" .
We need your feedback in order to maintain and improve the quality of teaching. Any comments and suggestions about the format and contents of this course are most welcome.
A formal student evaluation may be part of the last session of the course.
In that case, participants will be asked to fill out an course evaluation form in the absence of their teacher(s). These written assessments are anonymous and confidential.
Completed forms will be stored in a sealed envelope at the program's administration department. Teachers are not informed of its contents before the final marks of the course have been administrated.
laatste wijziging: 28 October 2014 | home